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3102 Davidsonville Rd. Davidsonville, MD 21035


Did you know that crooked teeth could increase your risk of tooth decay?

Crooked teeth are most commonly thought of as a cosmetic dental concern, and while straight teeth may be more visually appealing, straighter teeth also support a more stable bite and healthier smile. Crooked teeth can make it difficult to properly brush all surfaces of the teeth resulting in an increase in tooth decay and gum disease. Patients with advanced orthodontic concerns may also experience complex bite disorders like TMJ. Addressing crooked teeth at any age can improve your oral health and stabilize your bite.

Wooddell and Passaro offer bite therapy services to help patients enjoy a more comfortable and healthy bite. Malocclusion (misalignment of the bite) can be caused by a range of factors from chipped or misshaped teeth to misaligned teeth.  Patients with a misaligned bite often experience bruxism (teeth grinding) which is accompanied by painful symptoms such as jaw tension, chronic headaches, and chronic fatigue.

“I applaud Dr. Wooddell for his patience and dental expertise. His alignment of my teeth helped preserve my teeth despite the damage done by other dental services. Dr. Wooddell is a perfectionist in his field, and he is not satisfied until both he and the patient feel the same. He is the dentist I have been looking for all of my life…and I am smiling broadly. Thank you, Dr. Wooddell.”

– Connie Briley, Crofton, MD

Treating crooked teeth can often alleviate symptoms associated with TMJ, bruxism, and malocclusion. Treatment will vary from patient to patient and will be planned out on an individual basis. For many patients, a combination of cosmetic and restorative treatments can help bring balance to the aesthetics and function of the teeth.  Treating the underlying factors helps to support long-term stability and health of the jaw. For patients with advanced orthodontic concerns, we work closely with a local orthodontist to help coordinate appropriate treatment.