Do you have missing teeth? If so, a dental implant may have been or may be recommended as a tooth replacement option to restore your smile. Understanding what exactly a dental implant is and how it functions is important for making the right decision about your oral health. A dental implant provides the most natural means of tooth replacement and has key benefits for your long-term oral health. Dr. Wooddell and Dr. Passaro often recommend dental implants for smile restoration and offer implant dentistry in our Annapolis area dental practice.
The Anatomy of A Dental Implant
A dental implant works as a prosthetic tooth and has three main components. They are placed in succession with healing time between each phase for a stable result. One of the key components and benefits of a dental implant is the small titanium post that is implanted into healthy jaw bone to replace the lost tooth root. This is what makes a dental implant the most naturally functioning of all tooth replacement options and what enables it to support your natural jaw structure. The implant serves as a replacement tooth root and continues to stimulate healthy bine tissue to reduce bone loss and a shrunken appearance to the jaw.
The final restoration element of a dental implant can be a custom dental crown or a new hybrid denture. A dental crown will be attached to the abutment which is between the post and the crown, forming a prosthetic tooth that will blend in seamlessly with your smile. Your new tooth will also provide natural chewing ability. If several implants have been placed to support a denture, there are several ways in which the denture can be attached.
Dental Implants: restoring natural function
Once in place and healed, dental implants will give you back the ability to speak and eat with comfort and confidence. If you have been suffering from a missing tooth or a poorly fitted denture that slips, this can be life-changing. The stability of the implant maintains the structure of your bite and jaw, reducing changes in both appearance and bite function after tooth loss.
Your new dental implant will look and feel like a natural tooth and can be cared for in much the same way as your natural teeth. For implant-supported dentures, Der. Wooddell or Dr. Passaro will offer guidance on how to keep the denture clean and to avoid any periodontal issues. As with your natural teeth, routine dental care is important for maintaining them for as long as possible.